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Showing posts from January, 2018

Information Architecture - Website Research

TOY FIGHT Pros: - I was drawn to this page because it specifically related to the artists and who they were. They placed themselves first and who they were / what they were about before  you saw the work. I thought that was strong because it allows the viewer to feel like they know the two artists - not just seeing the work without really knowing who is behind it. - Very creative - instead of photographs of to represent the artists, they decided to make little characters of themselves in a doll like form. - The sight is very vibrant and has bright colors for each page - They only have a few projects (which could be seen as a con) but only has the best of the best of their projects up - Interactivity when you move mouse around - the image shifts slightly in response to the mouse Cons: - Because there is so much going on - if there is a slow internet connection the site can lag and does not look as great - Patches of space - when you scroll down the next page should appe

Search / Use / Assess

1. In class I worked with Brooke and Tori 2. We chose the website when2meet  because none of us have ever heard of this sight and it sounded intriguing. 3. First we were confused because none of us knew what this site was even about. So, as a user who happens to come across this site, there are no indications as to what it is about / what you are doing. Most of the type is the same size, not too much differentiation, my eyes go to the calendar first. "New Event Name" is the biggest element on the screen, which seems like it shouldn't be the first thing you read. The entire screen is cut almost in half by this black screen on the bottom that is for ads. Some of the ads are so bright and colorful I want to look at the ad more than the actual information on the screen.  Eventually on the very top - there is a bar with two tabs you can click. "About When2meet" gives you the information you need as to what the site is about. It says: " helps y