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Showing posts from January, 2017

Intro to Semiotics

Homework :  1/18/2017 visible signs  by david crow  Objects and ideas aren't named at random. A name for one thing cannot be exchanged with another, since some words can contain different meanings. Especially with different languages, not everything in the world can be represented with one word. "Languages do not just find names for objects and ideas which are already categorised; languages define their own categories." (3) Language is constructed from small set of units called  phonemes . They are sounds used to pronounce and construct words. 'dog' has three phonemes: d, o, and g, which all represent the sound even in written form. " A sign is produced when these two elements [ signifier and signified ] are brought together." (5) "This idea of arbitrary representation based on agreement freed visual artists from a tyranny of words and was explored with much invention in the visual arts." (8) visual communication  by baldwin and rober