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Showing posts from March, 2017


PART ONE: research I first started out with this project with research and figuring out what rhetoric is. Definitions: the art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing, especially the use of figures of speech and other compositional techniques. language designed to have a persuasive or impressive effect on its audience, but often regarded as lacking in sincerity or meaningful content. The ends justify the means Nice Quotes: “Every manufactured item send out signals to the mind or emotions. These signals - strong or weak, wanted or unwanted, clear or hidden, create feelings.” - Dieter Rams “For Rhetoric, language is never simply a form of expression: it is a functional tool that is manipulated to achieve desired ends.” - Ellen Lupton “Misunderstanding associates rhetoric with the bombastic and hollow, with fraud and seduction, with deceit and sheer ornamentation. The long history of this art, in contrast to popular assumptions, tells us that rhetoric has been concerne